João Carlos Lauriano Apps

Bach Flowers Remedies 1.2
João Carlos Lauriano
If you got to this application, you may be needing to harmonizesomeaspect of your life. So our goal is to introduce you totherapy withthe Bach flower. Through this application you will beknowing the 38essences, and which emotional states may apply. Thisapplication canalso be used by therapists as a reference guide,fast, convenientand available all the time, and anywhere. Downloadthe app and knowin detail the healing qualities of the Bachflower. But what are theessences, which they have, what is theiractive principle? WhatFlower capture, is the vibrational essenceof flowers, somethingsubtle that it can not be identified bychemical analysis, ie, if weanalyze the content of floral not findanything besides water andalcohol brandy used for conservationvibration it carries, evadesanalysis. For an example, see thechemical formula for water (H2O),says that it is composed of twomolecules of hydrogen and one ofoxygen, but if we add these twogases, nothing happens unless we dogo through the mixture, forexample, an electric current, then yeswe get water.So where is therepresentation of the electricity inthe formula, or how she couldbe identified in an analysis. What areflorals capture thevibrational qualities, that are only now beingstudied by quantumphysics.
Chromotherapy 1.0
João Carlos Lauriano
Tiredness, stress, migraines, bronchitis, anxiety,depression.Chromotherapy is all this and more, in addition topromotingwellness and relaxation to those who use it. Chromotherapyis theuse of color in healing and restore physical and emotionalbalance.Has been used by man since the ancient civilizations.Chromotherapymade ​​the list of the main alternative therapiesrecognized by theWorld Health Organization since 1976. It is basedon thetherapeutic properties of each of the seven colors of therainbow.Color therapy is a natural and practical alternative, itdoes notdispense medical treatment. Unlike can be used inparallel.Download the app, and get the benefits of color always athand.